Stembridge News Digest

  • Biden's abortion czar must not become America's abortion president Sat, 27 Jul 2024 13:00:00 +0000

    It was hard to imagine a presidential administration more at odds with pro-life American values than the Biden presidency — until Biden officially endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to replace him on the Democratic ticket.

    While Biden hesitates to say the word abortion, Harris shouts it. She is so committed to abortion that she can’t see anything else — including the developmental stages of children before birth or the real needs of women. Should she be elected president, countless innocent lives will be in danger from an aggressive abortion agenda more radical than Biden can even articulate.

    Compassionate Americans across the nation must unite and reject her extremism toward mothers and their unborn children.

    Harris' long-standing record on the issue of abortion speaks for itself.

    For years, Harris has blatantly refused to name a single reasonable limit on abortion that she supports. Instead, she supports abortion measures that go far beyond what Roe v. Wade permitted and is determined to impose all-trimester abortion without any limits on all 50 states, including painful late-term abortions through the ninth month of pregnancy. Nearly 80% of Americans, however, reject Harris’ push for no-limits abortion on demand, with 67% saying they support limiting abortion to no later than the first trimester.

    This year Harris took her abortion narrative on tour across the nation, becoming the first sitting vice president to visit an abortion facility.

    As Americans and people of faith, we should be leading the way in protecting our littlest brothers and sisters.

    Her visit to a Minnesota Planned Parenthood was a slap in the face to the majority of women who have had abortions but would have preferred to give birth to their children instead, if they’d only had the emotional support and financial security they needed.

    Harris is promoting a message of “reproductive freedom,” which is surely focus group-tested and designed to co-opt the instincts of Americans who lean conservatarian. But women who have endured pressure, manipulation, and outright coercion to have unwanted abortions testify that their experiences were anything but liberating — and the left, led by Harris, has no answer.

    Harris is a longtime ally of abortion giant Planned Parenthood, where pregnant women are sold an abortion 97% of the time rather than helped to keep their children or make an adoption plan, and where minors may be trafficked out of state for abortions while their parents are kept in the dark.

    Meanwhile, Harris praises efforts to shut down more than 3,000 pregnancy resource centers nationwide that provide an emotional, physical, and financial lifeline to mothers facing unexpected pregnancies.

    On the policy level, Harris’ support for abortion puts her among the most extreme American politicians. She was an original co-sponsor of Democrats’ nationwide, all-trimester abortion mandate, deceptively dubbed the “Women’s Health Protection Act.” Not only would the bill bolster the abortion industry and endanger women, but it was specifically written to eliminate all reasonable state abortion limits, even those preventing late-term abortions of healthy boys and girls well past a point when they can feel pain.

    Harris’ callous disregard for mothers and their children reaches all the way back to her tenure as a U.S. senator from California.

    Not once but twice, she voted in favor of late-term abortion, opposing protections for children at 20 weeks’ gestation (with exceptions), who can feel the excruciating pain of the abortion and are even old enough to survive outside the womb.

    Harris’ death grip on abortion “rights” shows her willingness to ignore the scientific evidence of humanity at every developmental stage before birth. She also had the gall to oppose legislation designed to provide babies who survive abortion attempts with access to the same medical care as anyone else.

    It is clear that Harris owns her pro-abortion record, going back long before there was a Biden-Harris administration. Even before becoming a senator, Harris targeted pro-life Americans in her role as California’s attorney general.

    When citizen journalist David Daleiden exposed Planned Parenthood for harvesting and selling aborted baby body parts in 2015, Harris launched politically motivated lawfare against Daleiden that included raiding his home — instead of investigating Planned Parenthood’s terrible scheme. She was also a vocal supporter of a law that forced pregnancy centers to tell women how they could get “free” taxpayer-funded abortions courtesy of the state of California.

    Pregnancy centers fought back in court, and the U.S. Supreme Court ultimately struck down this unconstitutional violation of First Amendment rights.

    Another of Harris’ insidious messages is that “you don’t have to abandon your faith or your beliefs to agree that the government should not be making decisions about what women do with their own bodies.”

    But from the beginning, Christians have opposed and spoken out against abortion and infanticide.

    Moreover, science reveals that unborn children are amazingly complex and absolutely human at each stage of development — with their own unique DNA, heartbeat, fingerprints, facial expressions, and more.

    This is a human rights issue that cannot just be put aside.

    As Americans and people of faith, we should be leading the way in protecting our littlest brothers and sisters, as well as in service to their mothers, to which we at SBA Pro-Life America are committed through pro-life safety net policies we actively support and through initiatives like Her PLAN’s Help Them Both project.

    Harris and the Democrats are doubling down harder than ever on the issue of abortion because they believe it will help them soar to victory in November. It’s an issue that will certainly not be going away.

    Still, theirs is a risky strategy; one self-identified pro-choice woman, writing on X, said, “The [Democrats’] abortion obsession is creepy and offensive.”

    In stark contrast, former President Donald Trump, Sen. JD Vance, and the GOP back the right of states to place limits on abortion and support providing real options to mothers in need.

    SBA Pro-Life America is leading the charge to get the word out to 10 million voters across eight battleground states, including 4 million visits to voters’ homes.

    It’s up to each of us — candidates, advocates, and voters — to expose pro-abortion extremism, educate fellow Americans on the true stakes of this election, and ensure that Biden’s abortion czar does not become America’s abortion president.

  • Dramatic video from would-be Trump assassin's roof perch fills in details of tragic shooting Fri, 26 Jul 2024 23:56:07 +0000

    Dramatic new police bodycam video from the Pennsylvania rooftop where Thomas Matthew Crooks fired his AR-15-style rifle at former President Donald J. Trump showed his handcuffed body face-down and a river of blood that ran down the roof and over the edge from a counter-sniper’s kill shot to the head.

    Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) released 25 minutes of new bodycam video to add to the three minutes he released earlier in the week. The video was obtained by Senate investigators from the Beaver County Emergency Services Unit SWAT team.

    The video confirmed the presence of eight shell casings and showed that a remote-control device for triggering bombs found in Crooks’ possession had an extendable antenna.

    The bodycam video began as the SWAT officer jogged behind the stage where Trump was shot 16 minutes earlier. He ran toward the American Glass Research building north of the fairground that hosted the rally. A medic, another SWAT officer, and the recording SWAT operator had to crawl through a hole in the chain link fence in order to access the AGR property.

    'If that phone starts ringing or something, call me, in case he’s got someone working with him.'

    The SWAT officer climbed to the roof of Building 6 via a ladder leaned against the east front of the building. As the officer stepped onto the roof at 6:31 p.m., the camera showed an open, black Swiss Gear backpack near the north edge of the roof. A small, tan canvas pack was seen about halfway up the roof to where Crooks’ body lay.

    The medic knelt down and checked Crooks’ carotid artery for a pulse. His body was face-down and had been handcuffed by the first officers on scene. The wound to Crooks’ head was fatal, as evidenced by the massive amount of blood that flowed down the roof.

    Crooks’ rifle was about six feet to his left, likely moved to that spot by responding officers who then handcuffed him.

    Former FBI special agent and SWAT team member Steve Friend said handcuffing a criminal subject and securing any weapons are by-the-book actions for the first officers on scene. “That is a standard protocol to ensure officer safety," Friend told Blaze News.

    “Watch out for shell casings,” a voice off camera told the SWAT officer on the bodycam video.

    A sergeant from the Allegheny County Bomb Squad searched through Crooks’ pockets. Lying next to Crooks were a cell phone, a rangefinder, and the grey transceiver. One of the officers snapped photos with a cell phone to send to other bomb squad officials.

    “If that phone starts ringing or something, call me, in case he’s got someone working with him,” the Allegheny sergeant said. “I’d like to secure it, but he’s got 10 percent battery left.” He said the phone would be placed in a Faraday bag that would prevent signals from triggering explosives if Crooks’ had rigged any devices nearby.

    In testimony before the U.S. House Judiciary Committee on July 24, FBI Director Christopher Wray said analysts don’t believe the remote controller could have triggered the two explosive devices found in Crooks’ vehicle.

    'It’s hard to understand why USSS would decline to use drones when they were offered.'

    A Secret Service agent who came onto the roof about 7 p.m. asked about shell casings, some of which were visible on the roof. “At least 8,” the Beaver SWAT officer said.

    Police Drones Were Offered

    In other developments in the attempted assassination, U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) said, according to a whistleblower, the U.S. Secret Service “repeatedly” refused offers from a local law enforcement agency to have drone technology available to secure the site for the Trump rally.

    “This means that the technology was both available to the USSS and able to be deployed to secure the sight,” Hawley wrote in a letter to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. “Secret Service said no.”

    Hawley said it was only after the shooting that the Secret Service changed its mind “and asked the local partner to deploy the drone technology to surveil the site in the aftermath of the attack.”

    “It’s hard to understand why USSS would decline to use drones when they were offered, particularly given the fact USSS permitted the shooter to overfly the rally with his own drone mere hours before [the] event,”
    Hawley wrote.

    Wray testified that Crooks flew his own small drone in the area of the rally, about 200 yards from the stage, for about 11 minutes beginning at 3:50 p.m. Trump was shot just after 6:11 p.m.

    A bipartisan group of U.S. senators sent letters to three federal agencies and five state and local law enforcement agencies to obtain records related to the rally and the attempted assassination.

    “The senators are seeking information on security preparations, intelligence gathering on potential violence prior to the attack, and detailed explanations of the agencies’ security response,” Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) and Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) said in a statement.

    The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee earlier announced its own bipartisan investigation, joining investigations in the House and probes by the DHS Office of Inspector General and the FBI.

    During nearly five hours of testimony in the House on July 24, Wray seemed to question whether Trump was actually struck with a bullet or whether it was a piece of shrapnel. Wray did not explain what led him to make the assertion.

    Wray’s remarks drew fire from Trump’s former presidential physician, U.S. Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas), who has examined Trump since the shooting.

    “Having served as an emergency medicine physician for over 20 years in the United States Navy, including as a combat physician on the battlefield in Iraq, I have treated many gunshot wounds in my career,” Jackson wrote in a July 26 letter to “Concerned Citizens of the United States.”

    “There is absolutely no evidence that it was anything other than a bullet,” Jackson wrote. “Congress should correct the record as confirmed by both the hospital and myself. Director Wray is wrong and inappropriate to suggest anything else.”

    On Friday afternoon, the FBI issued a statement confirming that Trump was struck by a bullet. "What struck former President Trump in the ear was a bullet, whether whole or fragmented into smaller pieces, fired from the deceased subject’s rifle," the agency said.

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  • DOOMED! How we ALREADY know DEI Kamala’s campaign will FAIL Fri, 26 Jul 2024 23:00:00 +0000

    Kamala Harris may be playing up her Gen Z voter base appeal with sparkly TikTok videos and a recent endorsement as a “brat” from Charli XCX, but Sara Gonzales doesn’t believe her strategy is enough to win the election.

    “Number one, she condemned pro-Palestinian rioters, burning the flags and defacing these statues, rioting in Union Park and on Capitol Hill,” Gonzales says. “She probably has a lot of Hamas lovers in her base — is this going to alienate them?”

    In a statement from the vice president, Harris called the rioters “unpatriotic,” said their actions were “despicable,” and that their rhetoric was “dangerous” and “hate-fueled.”

    “I don’t think that’s going to fly with them,” Gonzales says, noting that the Democrats also already know Harris is a “failed border czar.”

    “I know the press is trying to wipe away the fact that Joe ever crowned her as border czar,” Gonzales comments, adding, “Today, six Democrats joined every Republican House member to condemn Kamala Harris’ handling of the border crisis.”

    “Her own people are turning against her because they cannot deny that the Border has been just decimated under her and Biden’s watch,” she says.

    While Harris’ step-daughter is a Gen Z transgender advocate who refuses to shave her armpits, Gonzales doesn’t believe her presence will do much. Rather, she says she could be the next “Hunter Biden.”

    “I mean, Kamala is just such a terrible candidate,” Gonzales continues. “I love that all of these things that are happening right now that she is being forced to attend to. She’s being forced to come out and condemn her people, all of these pro-Hamas terrorists — what I’m calling them.”

    “I just love it. It just couldn’t be happening to a more deserving person. So, yes, we know that she’s going to fall on her face, but it’s just nice to see all of these things come to fruition now,” she adds.

    Want more from Sara Gonzales?

    To enjoy more of Sara's no-holds-barred take to news and culture, subscribe to BlazeTV — the largest multi-platform network of voices who love America, defend the Constitution, and live the American dream.

  • Pastor delivers powerful sermon on how he wrestled gun away from grandson after horrific murders of wife, 4 children Fri, 26 Jul 2024 22:23:34 +0000

    An Alabama pastor delivered a powerful sermon detailing how he wrestled a gun away from his grandson. The struggle over the gun happened just moments after the tragic murders of a woman and four children.

    Brandon Allan Kendrick II was arrested last week and charged with four counts of capital murder of a child under the age of 14 and one count of capital murder in the slayings of two or more people in one act, according to

    'Don’t you think that if you don’t have Jesus, you’re going to walk out of here, and everything’s going to be cool because you ain’t no match for the devil.'

    Kendrick, 32, is accused of shooting to death Kelse Kendrick — his 24-year-old wife of six years. Kendrick also is accused of murdering the couple's two children: 6-year-old Kaleb Kendrick and 2-year-old Kynli Kendrick. Also murdered in the bloodbath were the couple’s niece and nephew: Haley Daniels, 6, and Colton Daniels, who would have turned 9 on Tuesday.

    Kendrick's grandfather, Rev. Allan Kendrick, described the events leading up to and after the horrific quintuple homicide during his sermon Sunday at the Oasis of Praise church in McCalla.

    Kendrick said that 10 minutes before the unimaginable shootings, his grandson was "laughing, talking" in a bedroom with him and his wife Gay.

    "We talked about the first time we ever took him to a restaurant for his 13th birthday. He'd never been in a restaurant," Pastor Kendrick recalled.

    "All he'd ever known for 12 years was abuse — physical, sexual, mental, drug," Kendrick said of his grandson. "When I got him at 12 years old, he weighed 58 pounds. He was on nine different psychotic medicines."

    The pastor said that the system had failed Brandon once he turned 18 years old because his disability and Medicaid were canceled. The family couldn't afford his medication.

    "Gay and I watched him all these years try so hard," Kendrick said. "We talked to every agency, we talked to everybody, we tried everything. We had him institutionalized in hospitals only to have him discharged with no medication, no follow up, no doctor."

    Kendrick said Brandon called 911 around 1 a.m. on the day of the murders, but he was "turned down."

    Kendrick said Kelse Kendrick came home and also was in the bedroom with the family and was in good spirits that day.

    “[Brandon] got up, 10 minutes later, ‘Pow,’’' Pastor Kendrick told his congregation just days after five members of his family were slain in his home.

    Kendrick continued, "I told Gay, 'That’s a gunshot.' She said it was."

    Moments later, Brandon walked into the bedroom with a gun in his hand and Gay was in close proximity to him.

    "She grabbed the gun. It went off. I don’t know how it kept from hitting her," Kendrick said before crediting the prayers from an hour earlier.

    "Yeah, yeah, I do know. Because our prayer time that night, about an hour before this incident, our prayer team stood here and joined hands and prayed for [my] and Gay’s safety," he said. "I had reached out to several of the church members; they were helping me, trying to get some kind of help. So, they prayed for us."

    Kendrick said he wrestled his armed grandson to the floor.

    “I was able to subdue him. And once that happened, he didn’t know where he was at," he noted.

    The pastor said, "He didn’t know where he was at. He started asking me and Gay, saying, 'No, where am I at? Where’s Kelse? Poppy, why, why are you angry? What did I do wrong?'"

    Kendrick remembered, "Ten minutes before that he’s laughing, talking and having a pretty good time. Don’t you think that if you don’t have Jesus, you’re going to walk out of here and everything’s going to be cool because you ain’t no match for the devil."

    He told his congregation, "Do you think you’re strong enough to resist the devil if he were to possess you? You better get your heart right with God, because you may be the next one on national news."

    Kendrick also addressed concerns that he shouldn't deliver a sermon just days after his family's ghastly tragedy.

    "I've had a few people call [and say], 'Pastor, you can’t preach Sunday. You can’t get up and preach Sunday with what you’ve been through and what’s going on with you. It’s going to be too hard,'" he recounted to his congregation.

    He added, "What I’m doing right now, I’ll get criticized for. I'm supposed to be mourning. I’m supposed to be grieving. I’m supposed to be incapable of doing anything. I should be at home with my blinds pulled."

    But Kendrick declared, "No, when heard this, 'I will look into the hills from which cometh my help.' My help cometh from the Lord."

    A GoFundMe has been launched to help pay for the estimated $50,000 in funeral costs for the five slain family members. At the time of publication, the crowdsourcing campaign had raised over $31,000.

    You can watch Kendrick tell his tragic story to his congregation here.

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  • Kamala Harris supported group that bailed violent rioters out of jail in 2020, but media now obscuring that fact Fri, 26 Jul 2024 20:53:47 +0000

    The mainstream media continues to gaslight Americans about the truth regarding Vice President Kamala Harris and her track record of supporting far-left causes.

    As Blaze News previously reported, many outlets have tried to say that Harris was never the designated border czar of the Biden administration, even though she tweeted in April 2021 that Biden had asked her "to lead our diplomatic work with Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras" and "to address the situation at the southern border."

    The supposedly nonpartisan government accountability group GovTrack also scrubbed a page from its website listing Harris as the "most liberal" member of the U.S. Senate in 2019, when Harris was still a senator from California.

    Harris and the Minnesota Freedom Fund

    Now, some outlets are attempting to obscure Harris' record once again, this time about her support for the Minnesota Freedom Fund, a nonprofit that posted bail for violent rioters in the wake of George Floyd's death in 2020.

    "If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota," Harris posted on June 1, 2020, to her personal account on the platform then known as Twitter.

    The tweet has never been taken down, and a similar post to Harris' personal Facebook account likewise remains active.

    CBS News claimed former President Donald Trump recently made 'misleading' statements regarding Harris and the fund. The Minnesota Recorder said Trump was 'distorting' the truth 'to attack Kamala Harris.'

    Two weeks after issuing those posts, she hinted on an appearance with late-night host Stephen Colbert that she knew many protesters had engaged in violence but that she still supported their actions. "Everyone beware because they're not gonna stop," she told Colbert. "... Everyone should take note of that, on both levels, that they're not going to let up — and they should not. And we should not."

    "This is a movement."

    But four years later, now that Joe Biden has dropped his bid for a second term in the Oval Office and Harris has all but locked up the Democratic nomination for the 2024 presidential election, the media is once again running interference on behalf of Harris, trying hard to nuance her support for the Minnesota Freedom Fund.

    CBS News claimed former President Donald Trump recently made "misleading" statements regarding Harris and the fund. The Minnesota Recorder said Trump was "distorting" the truth to "attack Kamala Harris."

    Minnesota Freedom Fund and the murder of Luis Martinez Ortiz

    But of course, the Minnesota Freedom Fund did ultimately collect some $41 million, a small percentage of which was used to bail out protesters, violent or otherwise. According to Fox News, the vast majority of the group's funds were actually spent bailing out other violent suspects, including a man with a criminal record who went on to murder a man just a few weeks after the fund sprang him from jail.

    On August 5, 2021, George Howard, a then-48-year-old man with a criminal record, was arrested in connection with an alleged domestic assault. Thanks to bond money from the Minnesota Freedom Fund, however, Howard was back out on the streets less than a week later.

    By August 29, he was back behind bars, this time for gunning down 38-year-old Luis Damian Martinez Ortiz following a road-rage incident that took place along I-94 in Minneapolis. Howard later pled guilty and is currently serving a 15-year sentence.

    In September 2021, Minnesota Freedom Fund acknowledged on social media its role in releasing Howard from jail on the domestic violence charge. "We are aware of reports of the tragic and fatal shooting in Minneapolis earlier this week allegedly involving George Howard, an individual the Minnesota Freedom Fund had previously provided with bail support," the group wrote.

    "MFF believes that every individual who has been arrested by the law enforcement is innocent until proven guilty, and if a judge deems them eligible for bail, they should not have to wait in jail simply because they don’t have the same income or access to resources as others."

    That tweet thread has since been deleted.

    The Minnesota Freedom Fund also denies that Harris has ever been heavily involved with it. "We have no connection to Harris or her campaign beyond this four-year-old tweet that is occasioning all of this additional interest in our organization," spokesperson Noble Frank told MPR News.

    The Harris campaign declined CBS News' request for comment.

    A direct connection with ActBlue

    As of Friday afternoon, the link in Harris' posts about the Minnesota Freedom Fund is still live and directs users to an ActBlue site with the title "Kamala Harris for the People" emblazoned across the top. Any donations made to the page "will help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota," the website says.

    ActBlue is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that describes itself as "a powerful online fundraising platform for Democratic candidates up and down the ballot, progressive organizations, and nonprofits."

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  • New 9/11 footage revealed, man explains why he released never-before-seen video 2 decades later Fri, 26 Jul 2024 20:27:56 +0000

    New, never-before-seen video of the World Trade Center towers collapsing on September 11, 2001, has surfaced.

    On Tuesday, Kei Sugimoto uploaded previously unseen footage of the 9/11 terror attacks. At the time of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, Sugimoto was a 24-year-old living in New York City.

    'This was no ordinary accident.'

    Sugimoto said the video was taken from the roof of a building on 64 St. Marks Place in Staten Island, which is about seven miles from where the World Trade Center was located at the time.

    To capture the tragic footage, Sugimoto used a Sony VX2000 with a teleconverter.

    Sugimoto uploaded three versions of the historic footage to YouTube this week.

    The six-minute condensed video shows the smoldering Twin Towers before they collapsed after the two jetliners crashed into them (which you can watch here).

    There is a six-minute clip that has been upscaled in video quality (which you can watch here).

    Sugimoto also shared a video that is nearly an hour long that shows the catastrophic events of 9/11 (which you can watch here).

    The newly released 9/11 videos have gone viral and racked up nearly half of a million views on YouTube and millions more views on other social media platforms, such as X and Rumble.

    Sugimoto decided to start recording the events of September 11 after realizing that the plane colliding into the World Trade Center was "no ordinary accident."

    He added: "If I remember correctly. I think I ran to get my video camera after seeing the second plane crash sensing that this was no ordinary accident."

    In the YouTube comments of the video, Sugimoto was asked why he uploaded the 9/11 footage more than two decades after the catastrophe that changed the world forever.

    Sugimoto responded, "I was cleaning my closet and found boxes full of Hi-8, Digital-8, and DV tapes."

    "When trying to play them back I noticed that maybe about a 3rd of them had demagnetized over time and were either blank, or suffering from major data corruption," he continued. "After researching online I learned that video tapes are not immune from age even when stored in ideal conditions, so I frantically started to digitize them."

    Sugimoto concluded, "Thus I'm just uploading the video now."

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  • Glenn Beck recaps the MOST INSANE month in US political history Fri, 26 Jul 2024 20:00:00 +0000

    It’s been a long, treacherous month — especially if you love your country.

    To kick it off, President Joe Biden shocked half of the nation at the presidential debate by confirming what the other half — conservatives — have been saying all along. That of course is that his apparent mental decline.

  • THIS person claims there was a SECOND shooter in Trump assassination attempt Fri, 26 Jul 2024 19:59:20 +0000

    We’re all asking the same questions: Is the almost-assassination of Donald Trump the result of gross incompetence on the part of the DEI-infected Secret Service? Was it an inside job? Was Iran somehow involved?

    But there’s one question hardly anyone is asking: Was there another shooter?

    Dr. Chris Martenson, CEO of Peak Prosperity, joins Pat Gray and the “Unleashed” team to explain his theory suggesting that multiple shooters were involved in the attempt on President Trump’s life.

    Martenson's Audio Evidence: Multiple Shooters in Trump Attempt

    “I have five audio sources,” says Martenson, listing out “Trump's mic,” “a person halfway in between Trump and the buildings where the shots came from,” a video taken from “way out past Trump,” and two videos taken “right next to the side of the building.”

    Audio sources “four and five though … [are] where all the action is,” he says, adding that audio source number one — Trump’s mic — “missed a couple of the shots because it has a feature in the microphone … so that when it hears too loud of a sound, it shuts the mic down for just a tiny bit.”

    According to Martenson, that audio feature in Trump’s mic caused it to “[miss] two of the booms,” so “a lot of people started misanalyzing.”

    “The official story is that all 8 [shots] came from Crooks because they found 8 spent brass casings around him.”

    But apparently, there’s no hard proof of this. There’s also no recording of the first guy to mount the roof after the shots were fired. Further, “there was a 12-minute lag, according to Senator Johnson … between the last shot and when the first person allegedly went on the roof.”

    Martenson has a strong suspicion that we're not being told the full story.

    To learn more, watch the clip above.

    Want more from Pat Gray?

    To enjoy more of Pat's biting analysis and signature wit as he restores common sense to a senseless world, subscribe to BlazeTV — the largest multi-platform network of voices who love America, defend the Constitution, and live the American dream.

  • Detroit pastor reveals what Trump asked for during church visit — then explains why black voters are shifting allegiances Fri, 26 Jul 2024 18:53:09 +0000

    A Detroit pastor who spoke at the Republican National Convention explained this week why black voters are increasingly supporting Republicans.

    Pastor Lorenzo Sewell, who leads 180 Church, not only spoke at the RNC, but he hosted former President Donald Trump at his church last month. Sewell told WXYZ-TV that he is not endorsing a candidate in the 2024 election, but he made it clear why the Republican Party is growing in its appeal to voters who historically support Democrats.

    'That's what our nation needs. They need to relationship with Jesus Christ.'

    "When we look at our community, we see clearly that our community's hurting, right? It's been up under Democratic leadership," Sewell told WXYZ. "We're hurting."

    Regarding black men specifically, Sewell said Trump is winning their support because he represents change — a signal that help is coming.

    "Well, you can see it, right? You can see black men supporting President Donald Trump," Sewell said. "I believe that a lot of them understand that something needs to change. I can see that. And I believe that black women will also begin to support [Trump]."

    But what about Vice President Kamala Harris?

    Sewell said he doesn't buy the argument that Harris should win the black vote simply because she is black.

    "Look, you don't have anything more powerful than America than a black woman. So, I understand that there are allegiances there," Sewell said. "But sometimes that can be misguided. I've had people call me this afternoon and say, 'Vote for Kamala Harris because she's black.'

    "That doesn't resonate with me. Even though it would be amazing, she reminds me of an act. I look up to her. But that doesn't mean that she's supposed to be the president of the United States of America," he continued. "I do believe that the Democratic Party picked her like we used to do in middle school when we picked the last person we didn't want to pick."

    During the interview, Sewell revealed how welcoming Trump is — and what the former president requested last month.

    Before the RNC, Sewell recounted that he asked Trump's team if he could pray at the RNC. But the response he received included an offer to do more than that: Trump's team asked him to pray and speak. That opportunity, Sewell said, gave him "the privilege of lifting up Jesus."

    "And that's all that matters. That's what our nation needs. They need to relationship with Jesus Christ," he said.

    Moreover, Sewell said that when Trump visited his church last month, the former president didn't request an endorsement. Instead, he asked for prayer.

    "He didn't ask for my endorsement. He asked for prayer," Sewell told WXYZ. "And any politician that would have the local church pray for them, then we're doing our job, and then they can do their job well."

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  • ​Newsom's move to clear out homeless encampments is another 'PR stunt': California Senate Republicans Fri, 26 Jul 2024 18:35:00 +0000

    California Governor Gavin Newsom recently issued an executive order demanding local governments "urgently address homeless encampments," according to a Thursday press release.

    Newsom has claimed for decades that solving California's homelessness crisis is one of his top concerns; however, under the politician's leadership, the problem has continued to escalate. The state currently has roughly 181,000 homeless individuals and only 71,000 emergency shelter beds, according to Cal Matters.

    It is unclear where Newsom would like local municipalities to relocate the homeless population, but he is pushing leaders to do so swiftly.

    Newsom claimed that his abrupt announcement to clean up the encampments was sparked by a United States Supreme Court decision handed down a month ago.

    In a Thursday press release, the governor's office wrote, "With the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision in Grants Pass v Johnson, local governments now have the tools and authority to address dangerous encampments and help provide those residing in encampments with the resources they need."

    The high court's ruling found that laws restricting homeless individuals from sleeping in public areas do not constitute "cruel and unusual punishment" and, therefore, such restrictions are not unconstitutional.

    "I don't think there's anything more urgent and more frustrating than addressing the issue of encampments in the state of California," Newsom said in a video posted to social media. "We've invested now over $1 billion in encampment resolution grants."

    "In the past, the courts have denied the ability of the local government — including the state — to clean up many of these encampments," Newsom claimed.

    "We're done," he continued. "It's time to move with urgency at the local level to clean up these sites."

    Newsom called on local governments to "do their job."

    In a post on X, he declared, "No more excuses. We've provided the time. We've provided the funds."

    Republicans speculated that Newsom's sense of urgency may have more to do with the recent announcement that Vice President Kamala Harris plans to run as the Democratic Party's presidential nominee in the upcoming 2024 election. Harris has been viewed as largely responsible for California's prison-to-homelessness pipeline for supporting soft-on-crime policies. GOP lawmakers called the move to clean up the state's streets a "PR stunt" by Newsom, who is being floated as a potential pick for running mate.

    The governor previously cleaned up San Francisco's streets ahead of the U.S.-China summit in late 2023. Newsom admitted that the decision was motivated by the event.

    "I know folks are saying, 'Oh they're just cleaning up this place because all those fancy leaders are coming to town.' That's true, because it's true — but it's also true for months and months and months before APEC [Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit], we've been having conversations," he said.

    In response to Newsom's new executive order to clear encampments, state Senate Minority Leader Brian W. Jones (R-San Diego) remarked, "It's about damn time!"

    "Letting people live and die on the streets or in our parks is unsafe and unsanitary," Jones stated, according to Fox News Digital. "I introduced a proposal earlier this year that would have provided even greater and more immediate solutions. While I am cautiously optimistic that the governor has finally taken note of the urgency of this problem, albeit many years later than needed, Californians deserve government for the people, not the PR hits."

    Earlier this year, all state Senate Republicans, including Jones, introduced Senate Bill 1011, a bipartisan effort to prohibit people from sleeping in public areas when shelter space is available. Some Senate Democrats rejected the measure.

    Senator Roger Niello (R-Fair Oaks) called Newsom's order "a good step" but noted that it would "require significant follow-through to ensure its effectiveness."

    "Homelessness is one of the biggest challenges we face today, and it is imperative we take swift, decisive and effective action to address it," Niello stated.

    Republican Assembly Leader James Gallagher wrote on X in response to the executive action, "Big promises. No action. [B]lame locals. No press. Rinse and repeat."

    Just last week, Newsom vetoed an assembly bill that, if enacted, would have required his administration to submit to annual evaluations of funds provided to its Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention program.

    "Gavin likes to spend. Oversight? Not so much.," Gallagher said.

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  • Prescient Alex Jones predicts the Deep State’s next plot: 'They’re even more desperate to kill him' Fri, 26 Jul 2024 18:30:00 +0000

    Alex Jones has been villainized by the left-owned media for years. A quick Google search of his name will reveal pages upon pages of articles containing phrases such as “conspiracy theorist extraordinaire,” “conspiracy empire,” “Mis-Infowars,” etc.

    But the reality is that Alex Jones’ predictions have been eerily correct time and time again.

    Perhaps that’s why he’s “the most canceled man on the internet,” says Liz Wheeler, who invited Jones onto her show to discuss his uphill battle against the censorship cabal and his latest predictions for America.

    “You predicted COVID, exactly how the Deep State – the globalist Deep state – was going to use a virus that they engineered to unleash tyranny on us. … You predicted the 9/11 attacks – almost exactly how they happened,” says Wheeler.

    Among Jones' other accurate predictions are Tucker Carlson being fired, Biden dropping out of the race , and the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.

    “What’s coming next?” Wheeler asks Jones.

    Alex Jones Reveals the Deep State’s Next Plot

    “Cyber attack is what I said a week ago. ... I think [the CrowdStrike outage] was a test of the mega cyber attack,” says Jones, adding that he also thinks we will see “an expanded war with Russia, power outages,” potentially “more assassination attempts on Donald Trump,” and “a massive false flag against a black college or church or synagogue blamed on Trump.”

    “We are in cloud cuckoo now, with a desperate, out-of-control elite that are losing their war with Russia, they're losing their war with the people, the borders are wide open, the whole world's turning against them, and they desperately want to try to maintain control and change the subject, so I would say right now, the sky is the limit,” he explained.

    To hear more of the conversation, including Jones’ full analysis on the assassination attempt on Donald Trump and why he believes “[the Deep State] is even more desperate to kill him” now, watch the clip above.

    Want more from Liz Wheeler?

    To enjoy more of Liz’s based commentary, subscribe to BlazeTV — the largest multi-platform network of voices who love America, defend the Constitution, and live the American dream.

  • 'A convicted steroid cheat': Fans — and Conor McGregor — critique ESPN's top MMA fighters of the 21st century Fri, 26 Jul 2024 18:19:45 +0000

    After releasing its top 100 athletes since 2000, ESPN decided to compile separate top 10 lists of mixed martial arts fighters for both men and women in the same time period.

    As with any completely subjective list, fans immediately took issue.

    For the women's list, ESPN's methodology was vague and also littered with pandering statements.

    The outlet claimed that the women on the list were "shattering stereotypes" and elevated the sport "to unprecedented heights."

    Without giving names of who composed the list, ESPN supplied its list of "top 10 fighters in the history of women's MMA."

    1. Amanda Nunes
    2. Cris Cyborg
    3. Ronda Rousey
    4. Valentina Shevchenko
    5. Joanna Jędrzejczyk
    6. Rose Namajunas
    7. Zhang Weili
    8. Miesha Tate
    9. Megumi Fujii
    10. Holly Holm

    The vagueness of ESPN's list requirements left fans to wonder if the fighters were listed by legacy and popularity or by sheer talent. Certainly by popularity and in terms of bringing eyes to the sport, Rousey was a huge pioneer. However, she was easily beaten by the list's 10th-ranked fighter, Holm.

    Similarly, Fujii is a legend in the sport, but with few notable wins in her career, she would struggle to be competitive with any woman on this list and many more who aren't on it.

    UFC legend Conor McGregor was quick to criticize the ranking, pointing out that No. 2 Cris "Cyborg" Justino has tested positive for banned substances multiple times.

    "Cyborg is a convicted steroid cheat let's not forget," McGregor said in a since-deleted X post, reported.

    UFC President Dana White once called Cyborg a "nightmare" and a "dirty" fighter after bringing her into the UFC after her steroid usage.

    Other fans took issue with Rousey's placement, with one saying that she is "criminally high on this list."

    ESPN was also vague in its description of the male category, describing it as a "top 10 of the greatest fighters in men's MMA."

    This wording varied slightly from the women's list, adding the word "greatest" to the preamble.

    The list was ranked as follows:

    1. Jon Jones
    2. Georges St-Pierre
    3. Anderson Silva
    4. Demetrious Johnson
    5. Khabib Nurmagomedov
    6. Fedor Emelianenko
    7. Randy Couture
    8. Chuck Liddell
    9. B.J. Penn
    10. Kamaru Usman

    Fans were far more critical about the men's list, and while many agreed that it wasn't too shabby in terms of fighter greatness and relevance to the sport, it still left confusion about how it was determined.

    Along with the quintessential "where's Conor" posts, notable names left off that received frequent mention were UFC featherweight champion Jose Aldo and two-division champion Daniel Cormier.

    A fan on MMA Mania made a compelling argument as to why McGregor should be added to the list, arguing that his accolades are worthy of recognition even if he didn't defend his belts.

    "Not surprising. McGregor can rightly claim to be the most 'successful' MMA fighter, but not the greatest fighter. Even with his horrible recorded [sic] going back 6 years, he could have been considered in the top 10 if he had defended his belts," the fan wrote.

    "The bottomline [sic] is that Conor made the most of his opportunities and become [sic] incredibly successful, but he has not been a serious contender in some time. His best days are behind him and he may be remembered more for his antics outside the cage than for his victories in it."

    While other fans noted that the list is not a "popularity contest," it is indeed hard to tell.

    ESPN's previous top 100 list — which contained many MMA fighters — was unsurprisingly criticized, as well.

    The network's own host Pat McAfee called it a "s*** show" and criticized ESPN for trying to make a list of this kind in any form.

    "There is a top 100 list that is coming out from ESPN's people and I'll tell ya what, it is the epitome of everything that everybody hates about ESPN," McAfee stated. "What they chose to do about ranking the top 100 athletes of the 21st century ... what a s*** show."

    Even in the obvious attempts to pander to female athletes with the rankings, unknown athletes were placed ahead of actual female sports legends like Venus Williams and WNBA pioneers Candace Parker and Lisa Leslie.

    All things considered, ESPN fared decently on its male MMA list but still seem to suffer from wanting to appear just woke enough with female audiences. This severely hinders ESPN's ability to make lists of overall athletes or even female-specific ones.

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  • Clooney flatlines Biden, prescribes Kamala cure Fri, 26 Jul 2024 18:00:00 +0000

    Get excited! George Clooney is on Team Kamala.

    The heartthrob threw his support behind Vice President Harris just days after throwing President Joe Biden under the presidential motorcade. So much throwing. Great for the shoulders, but he better bend at the knees. You’re not a kid any more, George.

    Clooney knew Biden’s obvious dementia could complicate the leader’s campaign, but he only spoke out following Biden’s disastrous debate performance.

    What. A. Patriot.

    Now he wants us to know that the candidate who flamed out in epic fashion four years ago is the best candidate possible. Maybe ever. Clooney is a master at make-believe, but those skills stretch only so far …

    Kamala chameleons

    We’ve had three-plus years of comedians avoiding the word salad spinner in chief.

    Vice presidents don’t always offer comic gold to satirists, but there are exceptions. Comics mocked Mike Pence’s uber-square persona. Dan Quayle got hammered for his infamous “potatoe” spelling gaffe. Dick Cheney’s hunting accident wasn’t the only time late-night wags pounced and seized on the crusty VP.

    Harris? Zero, zilch, nada. Looks like the usual past-their-prime-timers have chosen to focus on what their job can be (savior of democracy), unburdened by what it has been (overpaid court jester).

    And expect that wall of silence to extend to November. Except when comedians are promoting her campaign, like “Jimmy Kimmel Live” fill-in Lamorne Morris did this week.

    The “New Girl” alum praised potential first man Douglas Emhoff as a “stud” while admitting that Harris will need all the help she can get to top Trump come November.

    “She gonna need the help of every single god she can get, okay. I’m talking Yahweh, you got Allah, you need Jesus, Oprah, all the big gods,” he quipped.

    To paraphrase Robert Plant, “Does anybody remember laughter?”

    Worse than waterboarding

    Jack Bauer is back. But will we even recognize him?

    A new “24” film is in development, although it’s unclear whether Kiefer Sutherland will reprise his role as the relentless hero. In fact, we know very little about the project other than it is yet more proof that beloved IPs never die in Hollywood. They just get rebooted until audience eyerolls hit warp speed.

    Will Jack resemble the hero we knew and loved for eight consecutive seasons? He can’t torture terrorists to glean valuable clues any more. Too problematic. The terrorists will have to be Patriot Front members, not Islamic Jihadists. And can our hero save America without having a difficult conversation about systemic racism?

    Let’s hope “24” gets stuck in development hell ….

    Stone crazy

    Sharon Stone’s giving America one last chance.

    The “Casino” star is threatening to leave the country should Donald Trump retake the White House this November.

    “This is one of the first times in my life that I’ve actually seen anyone running for office on a platform of hate and oppression.”

    Guess that means she thought Trump’s 2016 run was marked by sunshine and rainbows. That’s hopeful, right?

    There’s a reason celebrities make this vow every four years (and never go through with it). Two, actually. One, it guarantees fawning media attention — not with Align, but everywhere else. Two, it’s a “hire me” placard in plain sight. “See? I think just like you do! Now can I get a bit part in the next season of 'Bridgerton'? Please?”

    Talk about giving in to your basic instinct!

    Gass bag

    Jack Black took plenty of heat after his bandmate publicly proclaimed his grim birthday wish: that the next would-be shooter would take Trump out for good.

    Tenacious D’s Kyle Gass expressed that hope at a Sydney concert less than a day after a 20-year-old man shot and nearly killed Trump at a Butler, Pennsylvania, rally.

    Black didn’t raise a ruckus on stage, but he swiftly shared an Instagram apology with meat on its bones. The “School of Rock” star canceled the rest of the band’s current tour and said he’d be taking a creative break.

    Gass shared his own mea culpa on Instagram ... only to later delete it.

    What a total "D."

  • Man accused of sparking massive California wildfire by pushing fiery car into gully; fire already burned 164,000 acres Fri, 26 Jul 2024 17:53:44 +0000

    A California man has been arrested in connection with the huge Park Fire that has ravaged the northern area of the Golden State. The suspect is accused of pushing a fiery car into a gully that sparked the massive wildfire that has already burned over 164,000 acres.

    Ronnie Dean Stout II, 42, was arrested around 2 a.m. Thursday at a mobile home park in Chico, authorities said.

    The Park Fire tripled in size on its second day.

    Stout is being held without bail until his arraignment Monday.

    Butte County District Attorney Michael L. Ramsey said in a statement that Stout likely will face an arson charge, although it's unclear how many counts or whether any enhancements will be added.

    Stout has two previous strike felony convictions, according to prosecutors.

    KOVR-TV reported that Stout was convicted of lewd and lascivious acts with a child under 14 in Butte County in 2001. The following year, he was convicted in Kern County for robbery with great bodily injury and sentenced to 20 years in prison.

    In California, individuals with two prior strikes — convictions of violent or serious felonies — receive a "significantly" longer prison sentence if convicted of a third felony.

    Stout pushed a car that was on fire into a gully near the Alligator Hole in upper Bidwell Park shortly before 3 p.m. Wednesday, Ramsey stated.

    The DA said the fiery car sparked the wildfire now known as the Park Fire.

    "The car went down an embankment approximately 60 feet and burned completely, spreading flames that caused the Park Fire," Ramsey said.

    "The male was then seen calmly leaving the area by blending in with the other citizens who were in the area and fleeing the rapidly evolving fire," Ramsey said.

    The origin point of the Park Fire is about 90 miles north of Sacramento. The wildfire has devastated the counties of Butte and Tehama where evacuations were ordered. Roughly 4,000 residents in unincorporated areas of Butte County and 400 residents of Chico were ordered to evacuate, Butte County Sheriff Kory Honea said at a news conference Thursday.

    The Park Fire tripled in size on its second day and has scorched more than 164,000 acres — about 256 square miles.

    In the most recent Cal Fire report, 134 structures have been destroyed by the fire. Just 3% of the fire has been contained as of Friday morning, Cal Fire said.

    Over 1,600 firefighters, 142 fire engines, and six helicopters have been deployed to battle the Park Fire.

    "Today the Park Fire burned very actively with hot, dry weather over the region," Cal Fire said.

    Butte County Fire Chief Garrett Sjolund said, "The fire quickly began to outpace our resources because of the dry fuels, the hot weather, the low humidities, and the wind."

    The fast-growing blaze is now California's largest wildfire this year, and the largest since 2021's Caldor Fire, KCRA-TV reported.

    Also in California, the Lake Fire in Santa Barbara County — which started July 5 — has burned over 38,000 acres and is 90% contained, according to Cal Fire.

    The Associated Press reported that a fire near the state line with Nevada displaced approximately 1,000 people after evacuations were ordered Monday.

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  • Alleged co-founder of Sinaloa cartel, son of El Chapo arrested in US Fri, 26 Jul 2024 17:17:24 +0000

    Two of the most powerful drug lords in the infamous Mexican drug-trafficking cartel Sinaloa have been arrested in New Mexico.

    On Thursday, alleged Sinaloa co-founder Ismael Zambada Garcia, aka "El Mayo," and Joaquin Guzman Lopez — the son of the other Sinaloa co-founder, Joaquin Guzman Loera, aka "El Chapo" — were arrested at the Doña Ana County International Jetport in Santa Teresa, New Mexico, about 20 miles northwest of El Paso, Texas.

    Journalist Luis Chaparro ... indicated in a recent Substack article that both alleged drug lords had basically turned themselves in.

    Back in February, Zambada — who founded Sinaloa with El Chapo in the 1980s — was indicted for allegedly conspiring to make and distribute fentanyl. Despite his deep association with one of the most ruthless drug cartels in the world, Zambada "has never spent a day in jail," the State Department said.

    That all changed this week when Zambada, 76, boarded a plane with Joaquin Guzman, 38, believing that the two were headed to inspect property somewhere in Mexico. However, Guzman had reportedly turned on Zambada recently, believing that Zambada was somehow involved in the capture of Guzman's father, El Chapo, who is currently serving life plus 30 years in a supermax prison in Colorado.

    According to the New York Times, Guzman "lured" Zambada onto the aircraft "under false pretenses." The plane then headed for the U.S., where federal agents were waiting.

    Both Zambada and Guzman surrendered to authorities at the New Mexico airport without incident and were taken away separately. "It seemed like a pretty calm, arranged thing," one unnamed airport employee told CNN. That observation matches reporting from journalist Luis Chaparro, who indicated in a recent Substack article that both alleged drug lords had basically turned themselves in.

    Authorities transported Guzman to Chicago but kept Zambada in the area. He appeared at the El Paso Magistrate Courtroom on Friday.

    Both face multiple charges in connection with the manufacture of fentanyl, drug trafficking, and "leading the Cartel’s criminal operations," a DOJ press release said.

    "Fentanyl is the deadliest drug threat our country has ever faced, and the Justice Department will not rest until every single cartel leader, member, and associate responsible for poisoning our communities is held accountable," Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a statement.

    Drug Enforcement Administration chief Anne Milgram said the arrests of El Mayo and the son of El Chapo strike "at the heart of the cartel that is responsible for the majority of drugs, including fentanyl and methamphetamine, killing Americans from coast to coast."

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